Site Management Team
Mr P RichardsSite Manager
Mr P Richards
I have been working in schools for 24 years.
Every day is a different challenge. At Valley View we have great staff and children with the same goals. My job at Valley View is so diverse and has many different tasks every day.
The best thing about my job is every day is unexpected and you never know what's round the corner. There have been so many funny moments as children say the funniest things every day.
A word to describe me is 'Responsible'.
Mrs S HartFacilities Assistant
Mrs S Hart
I have been working in schools for about 20 years.
The best thing is - I just enjoy what I do!
The funniest thing Setting the smoke alarm off by spraying air freshener! Or maybe another member of staff demonstrating striding and ending up in a bucket of water!
A word to describe me:
Mrs V AbelFacilities Assistant
Mrs V Abel
I have been working in school for three and a half years.
I enjoy working at Valley View as everyone is so helpful and friendly. It's also nice to see the children's smiley faces.
The funniest thing that happened was when I got locked in the lobby at the main entrance and had to climb back through the office window to escape!
A word to describe me is 'Dedicated'.
Mrs M RichardsFacilities Assistant
Mrs M Richards