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Valley View Community Primary School




At Valley View want our children to know the importance of health and fitness in order to lead a healthy and active life. In order for our children to achieve a healthy body and mind we provide a broad and balanced curriculum to develop resilience, confidence, fair-play and understanding which includes and supports every child.

Through our curriculum, children will become confident movers able to excel in a broad range of fundamental movement skills and to be active for sustained periods of time. They will be given opportunity to achieve their potential through engagement in a wealth of competitive experiences. This will provide opportunity to build character and embed values of fairness and respect. Our children will celebrate success and accept defeat.

By the time our children leave us our intention is they will have experienced and enjoyed a broad range of physical activities and developed a life-long love of PE and exercise which they will take into adult life.



At Valley View, our core curriculum is REAL PE which delivers all aspects of the National Curriculum. Real PE allows all children to achieve physical success as it develops the whole child. By incorporating 6 themes (creative, personal, social skills, cognitive, health and fitness and physical skills) it teaches the children to be successful both physically and mentally leading to a healthy body and mind.

In our curriculum, REAL PE is supported by additional units of work included to broaden the curriculum and to prepare children to compete successfully in a wider range of competitive and non-competitive events. Specialist coaches (eg orienteering, football, cricket, rugby, and dance) are used to introduce the children to a wide range of sports.

 As they progress through school pupils will develop the fundamental skills of agility, co-ordination and balance. Opportunities to develop these skills in a wide variety of sports and activities will be provided. These will be taught alongside social and cognitive skills to develop the whole child. Children will learn how to improve their performance and to work successfully with others. As the children progress through school, healthy competition will be introduced and children will be given opportunities to challenge themselves through personal best tasks as well as competing in intra and inter-competitions.

PE Progression - Core

PE Progression - Dance

PE Progression - Skills

PE Progression - Gymnastics