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Valley View Community Primary School

Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Intent

We believe that our children deserve a highly bespoke and relevant curriculum which is matched closely to our children’s need. Therefore we are striving for a curriculum which encompasses the following aspects.

We are ambitious for all our children irrespective of their background or academic ability. Teachers know what their children should achieve at the end of each year and learning is carefully planned to meet these points.  Strands of knowledge are built upon children can begin to see how strands of each subject are built upon and added to.  Children use meta-cognition skills to enable them to effectively make links to previous knowledge.  Teachers encourage children to be active partners in their learning and the pace of learning challenges and deepens knowledge.

All children are provided with a rich and relevant curriculum including those with SEND. We are very aware of our children’s starting points; we ensure that we provide them with additional enrichment opportunities throughout their time with us.

The importance of reading, writing and maths are a “given” and links to further develop these both creatively and within other subjects are encouraged.  Our curriculum also provides opportunities to significantly increase children’s vocabulary and provides a rigorous and systematic approach to reading development but is underpinned by nurturing a love of reading.

We want our children to be curious, confident and inspired learners. We ensure that our children are presented with high quality first-hand experience. This includes using first hand experiences of trips and residential activities aimed at improving their local and general knowledge to enhance their future learning. Key foci within our curriculum are:

Connecting- ideas, knowledge and applying skills in different ways.

Growth mindset- having the self-confidence to take risks and the freedom to keep trying.

Cultural capital- facilitating a passion for culture, the arts, music, science, technology, (STEAM) personal ambition and social communication skills.

Interacting and collaborating- sharing of values and ethos and promoting the importance of talk, language and high quality discussions and debates.

Life skills- empowering pupils with social confidence, self-worth, respecting diversity and social responsibility. In addition nurturing respect and positive attitudes and behaviours towards others.

Well-being- awareness of strategies to better cope with physical, emotional and mental health issues.

Aspiration raising -providing a curriculum which is ambitious, broad and which sets high expectations socially, emotionally, culturally and vocationally.